​​​​Nancylee Bielawski, D.V.M. C.V.M.M.P.


Zephyrhills, FL 33539

(352) 812-0042

This number does not accept text messages, please call or email TampaBayEquine@yahoo.com 

                                    Anhidrosis ( non-sweating)

The horse loses the ability to sweat.  There is a range of severity in presentation. You may find a  simple reduction in sweat production / delayed cooling after rides, up to the other extreme in which horses shut down completely and cannot sweat at all.  It is most common in the Southern States once the temperature fails to drop below 80 degrees at night. Any horse can become affected at any time during their life. Sometimes the cause of onset is stress. Stress can be a move to a new farm, new climate, new feed, /new - tougher training program or  illness. Often you find horses blowing hard when they have not been working, dry to the touch or maybe a little sweat under the mane, no sweat when other horses do have sweat and are not blowing hard, horses may at first  appear to have lost fitness/ lose breath easier when riding than they used to. 

 Below is a quick list of 'remedies'.

Anhidrosis is such a miserable condition for horses to endure, that it may be a good idea to investigate any and all possible treatment options. Be certain to closely  monitor your horse for changes in response to any treatment attempt. Try to be methodical in selecting treatment optios so you can have a clear idea of what IS and what IS NOT working for your horse. Not all horses respond the same way to the same treatments.

-Keep out of sun from 10-4 

-Keep under fans

-Reduce any  'stress to stimulate sweat' on a daily basis

-Cool hose and scrape  hot water off rapidly.  Repeat until cool. This works even better when performed in front of  fan. --It is Not effective to let a horse 'blow' off the heat on his own, doing so will only cause the horses' body more stress. It   will not 'get' him to sweat, it may just make him sick.

- It is very important to cool horses down as quickly as possible. Anhidrosis can lead to elevated internal body temperature    and this may result in other sickness.

-Be extra certain to monitor water intake in these horses. Often the horses will be seeming to 'play' in their water. They are  actually trying to cool down, but may leave the water in a state that they won't drink, or may spill all of the water and leave the  bucket empty. Impaction colic due to dehydration could result.


Herbal Therapy

One A/C

Let Em Sweat


True Sweat 

​Platnium Performance Refresh

Following is a list of treatments that clients have reported to possibly improve Anhidrosis, but Dr Bielawski has no direct experience with them at this time:

Equine Leg Magic

Moormans Minerals

​Equiwinner Patch

​Equine Mega Sweat 

Call Dr Bielawski 352-812-0042 or email tampabayequine@yahoo.com with further questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment for your horse.